Frequently Asked Questions


As a wholesaler, Linen House sells to retailers and does not sell directly to the public. For that reason we do not have a Linen House showroom for retail customers to view our products. If you would like to view our products we encourage you to visit one of our stockists. Our list of stockists can be found here.
We supply a large number of independent retailers across South Africa. Our products are also available in Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia. To find a stockist near you please contact us at [email protected] and don’t forget to mention your location!
Linen House has international partners in many countries around the world including Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Hong Kong. These partners have relationships with international distributors across the globe. Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.
As a wholesaler, Linen House sells to retailers and does not sell directly to the public. We have designed this website to be a comprehensive catalogue of all the products we have available through the different retailers we supply to. Many of our stockists sell our products online via their own website.
No, we do not have a factory shop!
Linen House is committed to the sale of products of a high quality and providing first class customer service. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we recommend contacting the retailer you purchased it from in the first instance.


The fabric is made up of fibers running in 2 directions at right angles to one another, these are known as the warp and weft. Warp runs lengthwise and weft runs across the width. By changing the weave pattern is possible to create different bed linen types.
Thread count is the number of threads woven vertically and horizontally into a 10cm square. Using finer threads means more per square centimeter making a soft and more luxurious fabric.
Percale is a plain closely woven fabric with a thread count of 225 or above. Percale can be used to describe both 100% cotton and polyester/cotton blends.
Sateen fabric is made with long strands of fibre. The fibre is woven in a specific long lateral pattern giving a soft smooth finish.
Polyester/Cotton blends make for an easy care product that also dries quickly. It ensures a soft feel and helps with crease resistance, shape retention and durability.
GSM is the measure of how many grams per square metre.
No other fibre can compare to the absorbency, softness, durability and ease of care of cotton. It is the quality of the cotton that makes the difference, the longer the staple fibre the better the thread.
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Fugiat dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, mauris sit condim eser ntumsi nibh, uum a justo vitaes amet risus amets un. Posi sectetut amet fermntum orem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia nons.
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